martes, 6 de octubre de 2009


A young couple came in to the best store of toys in the city.
Both of them were entertained looking around without hurry all the colorful toys aligned in the shelves and hang from the ceiling in cheerful mess. They had dolls that cried and laughed, electronic games, wooden kitchens to make pies and cakes. It was difficult for them to take a decision.
A very nice shop assistant approached to them.
"Look," said women: "we have a little girl, but we are almost all day away from home" "and, sometimes, even at night".
"She does not normally laugh” said the man.
"We would like to buy something to make her happy" added the women, "even when we are not at home" Something that can give her joy when she is all alone.
The shop assistant smiled and said: "Sorry" but "We don’t sell parents in this store "

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