domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009


Drawing is a funny way to foment creativity and obtain information upon the psychological child situation

Drawings are more than a hobby to keep children entertained. By delivering them a piece of paper and a pencil to begin to draw, they are provided with a fundamental tool for their cognitive processes. The drawing helps develop skills psychomotor activity, stimulates the expressiveness and imagination, and provides information on the psychological and emotional well-being of children.

The drawings are the first tangible manifestation of the child expressiveness. It works as a vehicle which reflects their emotions and allows them to drop their imagination. Are not works of art, nor intended to be, but few resist hanging a Doodle’s child in a mural. Editor Carlos Cabezas in his thesis 'Analysis and features of the child drawing', says that "the scribbles and children's drawings are one of the more important activities for their intellectual development; through them, the child is capable of expressing his psychological state and emotional well-being since they are a nexus between their internal and external world”.

Researchers, artists and educators have focused his studies, since more than a century, in the analysis of the form of expression of children on the drawing. The conclusions are repeated and reaffirm that, beyond a few simple strokes or Scribbles at random drawings express emotions, interests or values of the child.

Studies have specified assignments and performing techniques of the children's drawings that are used by teachers and therapists.

The studies have established assignments and performing techniques of the child’s drawings that are used by teachers and therapists as a supplementary way to analyze and identify specific psychological problems or conflicts of children. One of these techniques is the squiggle Test that analyzes the proportions, size, distribution or colors of the elements drawn by children. The HTP test (House, tree, person) is also very popular and it is aimed at obtaining information about the sensitivity, the maturity and social integration. To provide them with scientific value, this analysis should be carried out by professionals. Only experts are trained to assess the results and interpret the factors in the process of creating a drawing.

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