domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009


RED represents the body, the land. It indicates life, force and resistance. Red rises up the vitality of the physical body and the ability of fighting for life. Provides help in the depressive and lethargic States.

ORANGE It is the color of the Sun and means vitality, self-control, fruits of the land, connection with nature, young spirit, good health and confidence in you. The Orange preference reflects an artistic temperament. People who prefer Orange are very sociable and they have good relations with all kinds of people.

YELLOW means good health, sympathy, facility on learning, joy, responsiveness, intellect development, wisdom, creativity, strong character. Yellow helps in the changes, in taking decisions and brings mental clarity.

GREEN It is the color of healing, the color of doctors. Has the vibration of the growth, expansion and rejuvenation. Those who prefer green are people who have perseverance to achieve the proposed purposes, good neighbors and parents, lovers of beauty and art. Symbolizes harmony and peace. Reassure the nerves and soothes the spirit.

BLUE Symbolizes the sky, contemplation and prayer, spirituality, tranquility, relaxation, emotional balance, pacifism.

INDIGO (or Indigo), happiness, good memory, communication, wish to express creativity, contact, good skills concentration, enthusiasm, wish of harmony.

VIOLET is mystical, magical, spirituality, inspiration, tolerance, sensitive person. People who have a preference for violet are very strong character, good mental skills, knows reasoning. Is the color of artists, people very creative enjoying life.

WHITE the vacuum, lighting, perfection, virtue, temperance and integrity, innocence, objectivity, empathy, loyalty.

GOLD: wisdom, clarity, lucidity, vitality and maximum degree of spiritual perfection.

RAINBOW harmony, joy, consciousness, the opening, the Bliss, loves to have fun and to play.

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